Rotary Club of Thane Midtown - Rotary India

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Total Services 21
Club assembly

Discussion on Rtn. Santosh Bades actions compromising member confid. . .

Speaker Session

speaker Session on Nuclear science

Beautiful lake

Speaker Session on Thane city lake


Emergency Meeting of the Board

How to Win Your Audience

speakers shared valuable tips on becoming an effective public speak. . .

Exploring wildlife

Mrs Amisha Shah, a certified ornithologist and wildlife photographe. . .

Anesthesia For the Common Man

Dr. Katkade shared insights into the role and importance of anesthe. . .

Meeting venue Inauguration:

The meeting was inaugurated by Rtn. Milind Ballal, one of the chart. . .

Club Assembly

Budget Finalisetion

Celebrate and Fellowship

Strengthen bonds through fellowship

TRF Seminar

Doneted 2000 USD

Celebration & Discussion about PE and Picnic

The meeting began at 7:30 PM with a fellowship session, followed by. . .

Melodies & Movies

The session titled "Vintage Bollywood Musical Musings"


trressurer issue

Through the Lens of Humor

Mr. Divyesh Shirwankar entertained the audience with his humorous a. . .

Complaints against IPP

various complaints regarding misconduct and misbehavior against Imm. . .

Session Name: discussion about PE and Picnic

We are having open forum meeting discussion and fellowship for picn. . .

Weekly Meeting

Weekly Fun Friday & Celebration

Installation of President Gaurav Kandalkar

Installation ceremony of President Gaurav Kandalkar.

Weekly Second Meeting

Speaker Session : Adventures stories on Kargil War by Mr Sandeep So. . .